Monday, September 26, 2011

A little extra tidbit

So, I decided to actually reply to my blanket email from Sonic. Here is what I said.

Dear Sonic Drive-In Customer Service Manager:

It is quite apparent to me that you did not even take the time to read my concern and have just sent me a blanket response. Obviously, one supervisor at one store will not be able to change the fact that you no longer have the best item on your menu. I really wish that I could make it clear to you how much I really and truly loved that sandwich. I also really wish that you actually cared.

Sad, breaded chicken sandwichless customer

And here is what I got in return a few seconds after I hit send.

You have replied to an unmonitored email account for Sonic Drive-In.
Should you require further assistance, please contact us at 1-866-OK-SONIC (866-657-6642).

Sigh. Thanks for nothing Sonic. Thanks.

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