Monday, January 31, 2011

Where did the time go?

My intent for creating this blog was to keep all the exciting happenings in our family up to date, and enlighten you with the silly, funny and heartwarming stories that happen daily in our home, however, we all know how life goes on and time gets away from us, so I have been neglectful. I will just give a summary of what's happened to this point and add pictures later when I have more time to sit down at the computer.
Since the last post, we have had three birthdays, a graduation,holiday festivities, and a new job!

Setharoni turned 7 on September 11 and we had several of his friends over to our house(boy it feels great to say "our house")for fun and cake. He had a blast and everyone was pretty well well as little boys can be! There were minimal damages to the upstairs, like dirty handprints on the wall and a few scratches on the stairwell from toys being thrown up and down, so all in all I would consider it a great party! He is a wonderful big brother and is so protective of his little sister. Recently I took the kids to the park and he walked her all over the playground, took her down the slide, carried her up on the equipment and even told when he thought certain things were too dangerous for her to climb on.
He is in first grade now and doing great! He is so smart and full of life. I love him and love watching him learn and grow every day.

Joe's birthday was November 26, the day after Thanksgiving this year...last year it was the day of and I was ginormously pregnant with Stella. This year would have been much more enjoyable except I had an upset tummy and didn't really enjoy the food. We did, however, have lots of friends over for a feast of our own that Saturday that went splendidly and I enjoyed eating and drinking that evening!

Our baby girl, Stella turned 1 on December 4. It was so hard to believe that we had gone an entire year so quickly. I still remember the day she was born so vividly, when she was a fat little cherub so helpless and innocent and then I blinked. Suddenly she is a vivacious little girl, full of life, walking around with a huge personality. She has enough hair now that we are able to put it in the cutest pigtails!!! She is now starting to say some words, but mostly just babbles. She gives hugs and kisses and pats your back when she hugs you. My favorite thing that she does right now is run to me with her arms open, smiling so big and saying, "Hi!" over and over again. She has quite a fiery little attitude now as well. She wants her way and she doesn't care what you say! She also gives a big grin when you tell her no as if she is trying to tell you she doesn't care that you just said no...because she's cute and thinks she can get away with it. Watch out world!!
She adores her big brother. She is always looking around saying his name when he is not home, and when I get her up in the morning, the first thing she does is point towards his room and say, "Seth?" She says Dada and Seth, but still not Mama!!!

Joe graduated from UNT on December 18th! I was SO very proud of him and so glad I got to witness him walk across the stage. He has been working so hard to graduate for so long. I don't know how he did it. He worked more than full time, went to school full time on top of that, and still managed to take care of us!
Christmas was great this year. The kids had a blast and Stella finally seemed to get the idea of opening gifts, although she enjoyed watching her big brother open them for her more. We enjoyed our time with family and even hosted Joe's family at our home the day after Christmas. It was a complete success! I made chicken enchiladas, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatos with all the fixings and some other stuff.

New Year's Eve, Joe's mom came to our house to stay with the kids and we went to a party at our friend and neighbor's home down the street. We had alot of fun, but I really am starting to realize just how much of a mom I have become. I hate leaving my kids for more than a few hours, even when I really need time to myself and Joe is keeping them, I find myself rushing to get home as soon as I can. I just love them so much and want to be around them all the time!
I hope everyone's holidays were great!